Theone Spring Hose Kranpon Limyè yo se pwòp tèt ou-tensioning sele konpozan, ki asire yon fwit-gratis sele nan kawotchou/jwenti spigot. Utilizing austempered, high-tensile chrome-vanadium spring steel, the final product indicates great flexibility and strength, ensuring a reliable, leak-proof connection of a hose to a fitting.Automobile manufacturers use spring clamps on cooling system hoses because haven't found a better or cheaper way to apply tension to the hose regardless of the hose's condition. Sa a enpòtan paske kòm tiyo a laj yo, yo ka kenbe, adousi, anfle, oswa pèdi frigidité estriktirèl yo, ak kranpon prentan yo ap kontinye aplike fòs sou kawotchou a kèlkeswa kondisyon an nan kawotchou a.
Li pi gwo diferans ant yon sezon prentan ak yon kranpon kawotchou vis se kantite lajan an nan tansyon oswa presyon yo mete yo sou kawotchou a. Kranpon kawotchou prentan mete tansyon konstan ak fèm. Vis kranpon tiyo yo sere boulon ak vis, ak dyamèt anndan an rete menm jan an. Nan konsekans, presyon se konsistan sou tiyo yo.
Post tan: Sep-16-2022